Xfinity outlook email settings
Xfinity outlook email settings

Shows username and I updated the password correctly but. Selected Advanced Options and Manual Repair. Also, working with shared IPs, it cannot guarantee a good deliverability for your emails (that is, a number of your messages will simply rejected by antispam filters and get lost without you even knowing). I had to change my Comcast email password so am trying to update the Outlook email account password but unable to connect. In fact, a normal outbound service like Comcast’s SMTP server puts a limit to the number of people you can send the same email to (in order to deter spammers), and to the number of single emails you can send per day. There’s an important issue to be underlined, however: if you plan to do bulk email marketing, you should opt for a professional SMTP service. Then you can choose your security and authentication options: for further information please check our article about SMTP configuration. To edit existing Account Settings, select the email account and click Change (skip to step 5) Check the Manually configure settings or additional server types box and click Next.


Please tell me if I can connect my email account to Microsoft Outlook 365 and link me to instructions on how to do this. If this is true, Microsoft 365 is useless to me. From the Tools menu, select Account Settings. I have seen a notice from Microsoft that Microsoft Outlook 365 will no longer connect to external email server (like ) as of.

  • Comcast SMTP password: your Comcast password Outlook settings for gotHosting sending from Comcast.
  • xfinity outlook email settings

  • Comcast SMTP username: your Comcast email address.
  • If you use have an account at Comcast and you want to configure your mail client (Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird etc.) to send emails, you simply need to enter Comcast’s SMTP settings in its server configuration field:

    Xfinity outlook email settings